Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Should Have Icecream If Stomach Upset

Free Classifieds

FREE advertise online

standard ads or trading platform :

A search or offer display in the format "standard" you can charge up to us. There are no additional costs or hidden fees.
your ad is valid for 90 days are automatically deleted after that time. If you need

before the expiry of 90 days, your ad is not everything, you can at any time delete your account.

Premium ads offer several advantages: *

your ad will be listed in the categories as the first .. * NEW
is to clickable links from your entries for example generated
NEW Guaranteed entry into RSS Feed
* Your ad will be marked with two stars (premium ad) ..
* In the right menu, your ad in the top ads available ..
* Your ad will appear as a random link on the homepage ..
* For searches your ad will appear in the list at the top ..
* In the category listings your ad will also appear at the top ..

Promote your own ad ...
in your premium account now for your advertising, which lead directly to your ad:
- advertising link for use in e-mails - such as mail exchange ...
- advertising buttons for your Website ...
- And your own personal "advertising box" - as our top ads - in 2 formats
with image, price and product name! There

your own click statistics you information about how many visitors are already
your advertising Your ad has been viewed!

you receive after your display, an automatic email with our bank details.
can pay by bank transfer or our PayPal account.

soon as we receive your payment will be activated your premium ad!

Please note:

your entry will only be activated when your ad to our rules (GTC), applies.
We reserve the right to shorten text, or if the information display to another, as the chosen, category entered!

If you find any suitable category, please select the category "other" - we like to create an appropriate category for your ad.


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