Thursday, September 16, 2010

Scholarships For Students With Thyroid Issues

Tonga - the first days of vacation leave

small but perfectly formed, one of the many islands

As seen and photographed a lot more, our Tonga adventure is split into two parts. It follows: Part 1

After a night of little sleep due to the unaccustomed heat, squealing pigs and crowing frühmorgendlichem and after a particularly nutritious Continental breakfast (toast, jam and fruit), we walked both going towards downtown of the capital of Tonga. "Broadcast the first time what one can make so decide, then, that was our motto. But spontaneous as we are now times, we summarily decided to make a small tour of the islands that we were in the tourist information virtually to heart. By taxi for less than a handful of dollars we went to the port and from there to a small but fine boat towards the open sea. After ten minutes, the marvel of the ocean, however, had already done, because we had reached our destination. A small island with unpronounceable Pangaimotu.
The islands lie so close to each other, and if you were a stone, you could be over submit to (or alternatively, if you were a cat that could skip across it)

Once on the island, we made our first trip to discover alla Captain Cook: win a trip around the island and a lovely spot in the shade. On the way we discovered the most amazing Things, from small hermit crabs, wandering with their shell on his back through the sand, over water snarling larger shell, which probably had hidden a beautiful pearl inside them, to the blue of the water in all colors (light to dark blue) and facets (blue with shimmer).
Jenny has a shell caught ...

around the island we had dealt with quickly, because too big was not sameness. When we finally a patch of beach were found in which we would not risk to get a coconut on the head, notice we had, unfortunately, that we, like the hairdressers having departed: Forgot snorkel gear and underwater camera, with only one large towel for both of us, nothing to read or play and with nothing to munch. The latter was not essential, because the sun was little appetite for chocolate. But we were satisfied that, cozy to lie on the tiny towel and look on the blue, blue sea.
Casual appearance ...

After lunch in a very comfortable beach club / Kascheme / restaurant we wanted to go swimming. But an inner voice to which we remembered from childhood days back, told us with a wagging finger: "Do not go swimming after eating". Also not on wild, we thought we put ourselves out doze a bit, so we could splash later. From an ample doze nap has become, from which we awoke just in time to get back on the boat in the capital. Once there, the drizzle started already to and made our decision to drive back to the hotel very easy ...
This futuristic skyscraper settlement is actually a coral


We slept a little better, even if the pigs are given a Grunzkonzert finest. Encouraged by the "Continental Breakfast" (this time there were boiled eggs), we search the guide by a bad weather alternative - the Weather forecast promised rain and wind. Without further ado, we decide for a guided tour, which includes the major attractions of the island, as it is at least in the car, when the inevitable rains come. So far so spectacular ...
The two protagonists is one of the many beautiful beaches

... the Tour itself then very beautiful, but out is perhaps the wrong word. Learn about the individual attractions, or nothing at all about the island, not us, our tour guide in this respect quite reserved, almost closed. Instead, walk and climb Jenny and I on my own about making diligent Photos and Videos. In general, the tourism is still in its infancy. This is a nice hand, as the attractions and beaches are not crowded and you have the feeling of being the only tourist. On the other hand, are eager to hear a little about the beautiful things that you visited here. Moreover, the infrastructure, say "expandable". Roads are our days of pigs, cattle and dogs and very incomplete. On the way from one attraction to another one has the chance, the settlements to take a close look at the Tongans. Consisting mostly of huts that seem getuckert from all possible building materials together. Plastic sheet as a back door? No problem! Corrugated iron as wall or roof? Yes, please! We have seen here more tin than any polar bears fan. Well, just outside the capital is all a bit "old-school".
As Jenny gets from walking more müffige Mauken, here they are cooled in water. In the background the sea begins to bubble already.

The tour However, we also really beautiful beaches with terraced reef formations. Here and there, leaves the strong surf the spray from all possible loopholes or gaps shoot out (so-called blow holes) - to look very spectacular.
Then it's off to a natural rock bridge (You Do not shut off - very dangerous), cut into a magnificent cliff into it. We enjoy the grand view. The water shines again in all its facets and the visibility is good - we can spot whales is not the same. But we still have time.

not for the faint of heart: "Natural Bridge" completely natural, without a fence ...
The next "tourist attraction" is a stalactite cave, where you can swim. We are led by a barefoot and smiling smugly Islanders in the cave. A tour of silence, broken only here and there of rattling noises. The rattlesnake, which in my opinion, after hiding in the cave to bite tourists in flip-flops, turns out for a flock of breeding birds - so so ... We will then also at the swimming pool of the cave. However, as the sun loungers all are already occupied (yes sure ... J), and the colleague with the miner's lamp still smiles so strange we do without the pleasure. Being back on for days, we make our way to the "Cook's Landing Place". Here is the time Cpt. Cook arrived in Tonga, has rested under a tree and celebrated with the Islanders. The hospitality has it fallen so much that he named the islands "Friendly Islands" was. As it subsequently turned out, the former tribal leader had secretly planned to kill Cook and his ships to hijack. Since, however, he and his followers could not agree on the manner of the killing (so much about kindness) Cook passed the opportunity and escaped unscathed. Phew! Today commemorated by a plaque and a tree that is a descendant of the original tree, past the place.
The Trilithon Maui ("The Last Maui"). Those who wanted to audition hundreds of years before the king, had to make a gift through this gate. Who did not do this, got thrashing ...

Finally, we will then still the "Stonehenge of the Pacific" to see. It consists of three huge coral blocks, each weighing around 40 tons and combined to form a gate were. The reason it was built 800 years ago is not fully clarified. However, astronomical backgrounds are given because some state in the stones carved scoring both the shortest and longest day of the year - very interesting! My theory: The former king wanted to show off but not a mess and has replaced its corrugated iron door through this gate.
Back at the hotel, we look forward to a day full of beautiful discoveries and impressions. The cameras have once again ignited, and a bit of color, we have also caught. Now the next few days will be entirely devoted to lounging, swimming and whale-watching ".
Tonga gives you wings


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