Monday, October 4, 2010

When Did Tights Replace Stockings

Basti alone house / Jenny on wild river

This time, a report from two viewpoints.
Since my assignment is not yet complete, I'm almost the whole weekend chained to the desk. Jenny wasn't I sent on a school trip. It should eventually benefit from a filled weekend now that they themselves temporarily again (language) is a student. This admittedly very noble gesture on my part at the same time holds an advantage for me ready: full concentration on work. Now if that is what again? Goes on a wild ride ...
Oh shock!

should coincide at 2.45 clock in the afternoon the company Rotorua . Start Accordingly, Basti and I still enjoy a leisurely lunch, before we will say goodbye for two days. A nearly two-hour farewell, because the departure is delayed! And we are very lucky, because finally we can go back in Friday afternoon traffic jam and a bit smelly breathe air, almost like home.

Jenny left the apartment. I wave from the balcony and snorting my sorrow into her handkerchief. As I step back into the living area, driving a shock through me. The dishes are not washed away! A cold shiver runs down my spine when I realize that I now budget must throw. "I'll just have to learn to stand on its own feet." I tell myself sneaking to the kitchen and hesitant. I'm trying to calm her down. "How does the Jenny forever? let water into the sink and pour this fragrant agent which produces the bubbles funny, but then ...? "I have no time to rack my brains to think and to make up my mind to move this task on Sunday. Highly satisfied with the solution of this problem I start the solution of another problem: The Assignment ...

After nearly four hours of driving, the usual stop at McDonald's and several Detours to reach nine students (including me, am now just a student again) Micah in the car and safely on his motor bike, the well-equipped hostel. After a nightcap and then it's pretty early to bed, because the next day is packed with activities.

It is late when I decide to let the rest work for today and jump into bed. Outside it is pretty dark. I must now again and again in "Home Alone" think. The parallels are striking to me: We are both young and home alone ... "Hopefully, I pay the wet bandits no visits from. "I think and go to the bathroom. When brushing your teeth I try to distract myself by funny faces in the mirror cut - without success! I close the door from the inside, and check that sits under the bed of the bandits. "There is indeed no question, but still I should start a little light, it's not so dark." I think. Kevin also has the burglars may also discourage it. Without the obligatory kiss goodnight sleep I must. Before going to sleep, I decide for safety, not to visit the bathroom in the case of pioneer bladder attack. I held ...
If Makroman has pause, take over macro Girl ... (insider)

The alarm clock rings ruthless. So it get up and shake in the kitchen make for breakfast. Is always better than Fie's and my room for the night was bitter, bitter cold! Toast toast, scrambled eggs, stir table dish and water for coffee and tea. The usual suspects make themselves look around the breakfast, the rest has the honorable task, after all do on it!
Here it seethes and bubbles in the subsurface

8:30 to 9:00
departure towards Wai-O-Tapu Thermal Wonderland, the most famous thermal protection in New Zealand. Three of the four lines we pass all sorts of bubbling and steaming holes, which are all written by a not too long past volcanic eruption. Herrlich these colors, from pale blue to orange quitschgrün and Mother Nature gave us many possibilities to whip out the cameras. But the most important thing is the smell of perfume or typical of this area, a smell like rotten eggs, sometimes more or less, but unique and memorable.
As you can see, it smells of sulfur here, huge ... (huh?)

With clenched abdomen I'm on ( read: I crawl) and drag my carcass to the bathroom. I slept very restless (was perhaps the strong desire to urinate), but am happy that I survived the night. Immediately I go with the letter gone, the fears of last night seem in the light vanished. Proud of my courage gushing words and ideas.
is approximately 2 hours after breakfast time: I go to the kitchen, but there where otherwise wait a few ready-made sandwiches of the highest order to me, is just a board and a knife. Since I find it like scales from their eyes: I have to create something even for breakfast. Restless, I scrape with the feet, when I open the fridge. Fortunately, He is well filled. A purchase would have been a bit too much of a good thing. I cut me some about 2cm thin slices of salami and cheese and arrange them on the already smeared with butter bread slices. "It was not that difficult! And lasted only 45 minutes! "I think while I enjoy smacking my breakfast. "And sometimes on it tomorrow with ner disc cucumber" I make myself. They grow finally with his duties.

departure towards kayak tour. I unfortunately can not remember when I was driving the last time kayaking, so my tension is quite large, because despite beautiful weather is likely to fall into the water to freeze and then very large. But once committed, do I have this challenge . Make With almost an hour late, we let the boats into the water after the rental-aunt had refused to issue a safety briefing, saying: "If you can point, he can just". Fortunately, we in Fie (remember, Danish student) while our personal guide! And after some initial communication difficulties with Matze (who sat with me in a boat) to paddle works quite well. The sun is shining, the waves have our Böötchen dance fun and none of us is to break into the water. Fie only succeeds in getting out on the beach their boat to capsize!
After the self- brought the lunch goes on paddling and exhausted and tired, we reach our pickup location. And I stayed dry!
"Hahhrrrr their Landrrrratten!"

Ca. 18 clock: The day may yet be seen as a success. I'm good progress with the assignment and I can now even lubricate sandwiches. But the next hurdle is waiting ... the dinner. Since spread throughout the gesammtenTag 600 grams of chocolate have been nibbled, the meal should be a little more modest. The ideal solution: a salad. The problem: I have to again with the sharp object (knife) handle. I remember the thick slices of salami for breakfast ... inevitably I start to drool ... "No! Today, there's salad, "I fight my demons. Elegant I peel everything that comes into my fingers, from cucumber to tomato, even the cheese loses his looks ... Safety first! The salad was then an unusual consistency, almost mushy. I can eat the cucumber the whole piece, since it in size by the peeling action similar to a toothpick. Despite the rigors of preparation I am proud of: A new Stage on the steps of independence is taken! The lettuce does not tastes good.

time for dinner. Pasta with tomato sauce with very many carrots and lots and lots of pepperoni. Extremely delicious and perfect for relaxing after a busy day like this.
to rest on and off to the Polynesian Spa, the tip in the Lonely Planet. So secret that at nine thousand people still felt the road. But we can not deter us, into the Bikkins and shorts and in water. The first pool smells very strongly of rotten eggs and has a very nasty green color, but is supposed to be good for arthritis! We do not care, the main thing is hot and relaxing for the overworked muscles! So we try to us by between 39 to 42 degrees Celsius by pools. In between, there are of course once again to marvel at fireworks, the pool of course.
New Zealanders love to do very punctual and closing the leaks and so I have to tie my shoes outside. On the way to the hostel I immediately try my free minutes from our fantastic prepaid wireless service provider and keep Basti from writing. But since he has through when he comes along and has not sent me alone into the wilderness!
How Green was the pool at the Polynesian Spa ... but also helps with arthritis

There has tasted the salad suboptimal, were another 300 g of chocolate squashed. In addition I have several times been bitten by the salami, the performance of the sausage was dismissed as a waste of time. Damn demons! Furthermore, Tobi has promised me to comment live on facebook the morning held the opening game of the Berlin-Baskets. The catch: getting up by 7 clock morning! The highlight of the day: a phone conversation with Jenny ...
Since my eyes are square already, the computer is turned off for this evening. When the monotonous sound of soothing the computer goes off air, it is still uncomfortable in the apartment, all alone. I try to think of something nice. I think of Jenny, as she gallops in a white dress on a white horse along the beach. But it does not help: the pulse speeds up, your hands are cold and shivering (either out of fear or as signs of sugar shock - I'm not sure). Again and again I have this image in mind: The wet bandits, as they mean to me smiling . Access Joe Pesci's gold tooth it gives me no rest ... At some point, but then a fatigue. I decide I like a man to behave. I go to the toilet to make bedded fine to me. After that I verrammle the door and look under the bed again and to whether there really is none. When I finally fall asleep, even the lights ...

1 clock something the eyes are so tired and the head so hard that I could sleep in and want me to bed verkrümele and hope the night would not be so cold! Is it then not, certainly because I'm sleeping with a hat on his head, the prima keep warm!

ringing the alarm clock at 7.00, I slept badly. My dreams had something to do with precious gold tooth. Since the Stone Age internet time not working again, the phone is trying to follow the game. The game is exciting, highly competitive, is at the end but unfortunately lost it ... Damn! Serious step, I go to the computer to play a lot of smart things to hammer into the keyboard. A nice start to the day looks different ...

An unusual Aufstehzeit late for our tour group, but we have give yourself! The usual procedure of making breakfast, just like that had to actually be out by ten. But as the Kiwis are then not so!
From the Bay of Plenty and the final hike. The Mount Maunganui (big mountain) is a 232 meter high hill in the middle of the quiet beach at Tauranga. Tauranga reminded again of a wild blend of California (the others say) and beach promenade on the Baltic Sea (I say). The place is crowded with weekend trippers, both Locals and tourists and we are looking for relaxation. We climb the mountain first, reached the top there is for most a hearty meal and after relegation, it goes to the beach to let your legs and mind for a few moments.
Toll ... Jenny think of nothin '... so short and sweet: an island
For lunch, a pizza from the Freezer magic. With skills learned the previous day, the pizza or something spiced with onions and feta cheese. The result can see and enjoy. The rest of the day are counted down the seconds, minutes and hours to Jenny's return. The exciting weekend goes straight to a close ...

return to Auckland and there is no way unexpected Sunday-in-the-city-purely vehicle-traffic!
finally reunited with Bastian. If that does not fit as chalk and cheese, which confirm that the Day of German Unity!

"Hooray, it's done!" We are in the arms. Not without pride I report on my adventures describe how I've done the washing up ... Jenny seems a little confused, but nods, smiling. Hach beautiful, now Jenny is back to protect me: Before any bandits, but mainly a home ...
on the hill behind the left hand was Jenny

ps: Thanks for letting me tomorrow morning at 9 clock in the school must be, but until write down deep into the night on the blog has. Thank you for your understanding, Basti!

pps: I felt impelled to my blog "Basti in the university" to move a few things straight. For many it is a shock for others ("Hi Mom") is already assured. I am in terms of work at home, stinking lazy. If Jenny would not throw the shop here, I would probably always have a lot of people (in the form of small rodents or insects ... iiihhh!) To eating frozen food J . Therefore, the slightly exaggerated representation. Incidentally, I have no fear of the damp Bandits. And "Home Alone" is a good movie! Cheers


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