Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Watch South Park On Quicktime

Basti in the university

Basti on the Hikuwai Plaza (Indian or Japanese for lunch?)

watching In the age of facebook, blogspot and other Internet communities must be so, what for an Internet fingerprint you leave. Companies browse these pages to look for possible candidates a bit on the finger: gereiert other day at Torsten's Party of the dear Kerstin into the cut? And it was also photographed by Frank? And Frank makes the photos on facebook in? Very bad thing!

may instead it please the prospective employer when his best side on the internet especially on display. Hobbies such as could, "foreign languages" "chair the debate team," "Social work in Nursing Homes" or (?) Meet with approval, may make the difference between job offer and refusal. Reason enough for me to describe my activities at the university - based on a normal day at the AUT (the following is based on a true story ... but the author has used his artistic freedom here and there).

6.30 Clock:

I wake up. I do not need an alarm clock for it. I am pleased that at last a new day, who gives with the opportunity to make a difference. First, I move my body to the park I feed ducks, plucking flowers, then there's a round of yoga: the body and mind keeps going. On the way back to the apartment to buy some bread and fresh fruit. When Jenny wakes up at some point (usually around 11 clock ...), they will eventually enjoy a balanced breakfast. I prepare the meal before as quietly as possible, Jenny can be very uncomfortable if you disturb their sleep. I put the breakfast on the bedside table, still writing short poem each morning and staple it to the freshly picked rose, which is already on my pillow. Then I sneak out of the apartment.

9.00 Clock:

My second home: the AUT
On the way to college I help old ladies across the street. Actually, I must be back at 14.00 clock appear to class. But my inquisitive mind drives me to the library. After I within two hours of a book on business ethics (... in Japanese) by working, I need something light to relax. After some quantum mechanics, the world is right again. But will soon begin the lecture. Whistling In anticipation, and a flea waltz, I go to the lecture hall.

go backwards
14.00 clock

grinning ear I put an apple on the throng of the professor and sit down. During the lecture, I listen carefully to the speeches on the Profs. I take notes and look me inside already out this evening to hack into the computer. Now and then I ask a question or give clever suggestions. By 17 clock of the magic is already over. I congratulate the Prof on the excellent course and make my way to the gym.
I ask a question, while Michael looks to the board banned

18.00 clock

For a non-profit organization I noticed a group of children from socially disadvantaged families. Playful should be taught values such as fairness, team work and willingness to work hard for a goal. Then I offer math tutoring.

21.00 clock

I get home and I am glad that Jenny is already eagerly hammers with the cutlery on the table. I welcome them joyfully radiant. You bring me a gesture of friendship towards (her arm points towards the kitchen). Straight, I put a nice little 7-course meal. enjoy by candlelight we delight the palate, drink a glass of wine (but only one, because that is healthy) lead and stimulating discussions on the experiences of the day. After the homework was done, it goes to bed. Reading a bedtime story for Jenny can strum my eyes. I turn off the light, because this protects the environment.

one I sleep with a good feeling, because tomorrow starts a new beautiful, normal day ...

ps. I know to write so much nonsense at one time, is exceptional even for my standards. In the last week was simply not much going on. Cheers


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