Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What You Die Of Bone Cancer

Kings Country

favorite diary of Basti,

the past weekend was so thrilling and exciting that I have to report once a word must here, to tell how much had to endure thrill and adrenaline I.

Friday morning was our wild ride into the "King Country", in particular for "Waitomo" going on. The King Country has long been held by the Maori. It was characterized above all by its fertile soil on which could be operated perfectly agriculture. This would of course make the savage Europeans took advantage and the project "conquest" of. First, the relationship between immigrants and natives was characterized by a "give and take", but the Europeans wanted more and more land and the Maori fought back strongly, so that it eventually came to one of many wars between the two. In the end, the Maoris to betrayed their country, more and more pushed into the interior and the fertile land was lost to the greedy Europeans. Only in our time the Maori gradually get back the land and a small allowance ... so much for the history of our trip ... so much time has to be objective!

The first two cars were so come on in the morning, over to discover a bit of the country, where we picked out a very rainy day. The rain then stopped and until we reached our hostel in the evening at six. En route we visited the town of Cambridge, idyllic and very fond of horses. In addition, gave it to discover another dam, which is probably the largest in New Zealand, and in any case, he is the oldest.

In the background you can see well in the rain almost Sturzbaechen falls from the sky. was
evening's delicious pasta and sauce again, the arrival of the third car was awaited with anticipation and a glass of apple juice, we listened to the guitar music by Matt and Mark.

Then the next Morning. In the run had 12 booked from our tour group, the so-called "Black Water Rafting". Basti and I were also there. However, I've made no head drum, what we are going to do really. I thought we sail a bit 'precious boat around, with' at Ner vest and paddle a few rapids along. But nothing since. The night before, it was clear that we are on rubber tires in the caves of the would "Waitomo Caves" swim and overcome, inter alia, various waterfalls have. Oh man, that was breakfast at least I no longer enjoy because I was too excited and the butterflies in your stomach should also not calm until the end of the tour . Let

Before it started we were all stuck in wet suits, were swimming socks, helmets, boots and funny. After a short briefing we were taken to a river on which we should overcome our first "dry run" in terms of the waterfall. This was as follows: on the web sites on the edge, reverse course, your butt stuck in the tire or three count, strong push off the back and plop into the water! And unfortunately there was no turning back, so I had to jump. And actually it was not so bad. In any case, we were now all wet and could prima backward flop into the water.

then we were then taken to correct the caves and start the real adventure was. We all got our 12 together with three companions in the caves of Waitomo River, it was stockduster us and the water was literally up to his neck, because it had indeed rained all day before. This also meant that the water is moving in some places with brute force and speed. We waddled and swam so with our tires alternately squeezed in the hand or the bottom of the ice-cold water. Three times we had a waterfall , Jump which in itself was not bad. Only once I hopped off the maturity, but because we should just let me be carried away by power and because the water was literally up to his neck and upward. Fortunately there was Bastis strong hand, which I could hold on. In between, we walked all clinging together on our feet along the river and marveled at full coming darkness, the so-called firefly (but there are no real fireflies, only the larvae of some insects, which attract with the help of light their prey, very fascinating nature, also these insects mate for 40 hours and then unfortunately the male died from exhaustion or is eaten by the female ... so I know exactly no more, my ears were plugged with ear plugs anyway).

wet and cold, an exciting mix. Jenny (the left yellow helmet) is thrilled.
felt after five hours in the water (it was only an hour), we finally saw the light of day again. I was so happy to be out for my part and never wanted to know which of rubber tires. The tour was very exciting and it also has fun, but again I have the Whole have not, even though the jumps were quite funny. And the bagels and the hot soup compensated very well for the cold and hardships.

uh ... Welcome to the resin in Kings Country
After we had all recovered and went It continued to broadcast with the cars towards the coast, because there waited a waterfall and a natural stone bridge on us all very beautiful and very impressive how Mother Nature has done it all. However, not enough time quite to the coast, because it was getting dark and our hostel (again; owner unfriendly;! room very, very small for the money paid ... was just for one night) in Hamilton to expect.

broke after the common Sunday breakfast, the three cars in the direction of Raglan, a coastal city. There made some of us a long walk, went swimming and watched the kite surfers and made many, many pictures. You have to say that it is not even on Sunday was raining like crazy.

Then it was on in Auckland, but wild and tortuous, with a stop at Port Waikato. We reached the place just in time for a breathtaking sunset with beautiful sky as well ... of course the fingers hammered furiously on the triggers of the cameras.
The beach at Raglan. The focus turns a ghost, the Ghost Busters are alarmed.

Through the darkest of all dark streets, we went back to Auckland ...

from Bastian's point of view:

Yes, yes ... a weekend in a sign of excitement.

first Exciting:

I was nervous on Wednesday with colds or less confined to bed (I'm feeling better already, so am an earthy type ...), should weekly activities to be finite recovery used. What could more than in the rain to walk to consume in the evening a little "cough syrup" to raft the next day in the cold water of a dark cave. Right! Nothing!


Someone has not eaten, because the weather is, well, sub-optimal. As each appears, no matter how beautiful the city somehow dull and gray. This also helps Cambridge ... Because even the slightly modified "Walk of Fame" nothing (If one makes the shoes grins a some famous race horse). We leave the city to inspect a nearby dam. We also rely heavily unimpressed that place, by the way still raining. An hour later, we hit a at our hostel. The pleasingly plump warmed by the fireplace log cabin can immediately promote "après-ski" mood. But instead of Dj Oetzi and Jagertee Gibts noodles and guitar music. It's relatively early in the spring, because the next day it should be moist happy.

The Shire
The 2nd Exciting:

Always nice to get up on weekends at 8 clock. But it should be for a reasonable purpose. Jenny seems strangely absent-I snored too loud? Or because someone is upset? Arriving at the "Black Water Rafting", we will put in funny suits. They smell really good after Iltis, and are a little wet-prima ... After a few dry runs, which are not so dry it works finally in the cave. Jenny is now on their best Bambi look that tells me that it is extremly under tension. Well, it is the thing on bravely, but real joy is different.

beautiful green here ...
The 3rd Exciting:

We stay in a hostel in Hamilton. And as Hamilton and the hostel is not necessarily worth the trip. We get the keys a quick dressing down: from 22 sleep clock, then the TV must be on volume level 19 (a beetle farts louder) settled down. Well, we do not have to be so loud, we think it is. We talk so very quiet, until we are rejected by 23 clock by the manager in his place. He must have forgotten in his dressing down at the beginning of his "golden rule": no alcohol after 21 clock. We must also operate the heater. Overwhelmed by so much hospitality, we go to bed.

nee Ah, the beautiful ...

The 4th Exciting:

In search of an attraction in Hamilton, we'll find it: The botanical garden! While the rest of the trip force accelerates quickly through the park, let the three amateur botanist Micha, Matze and I contribute the plants for us. Excited, we take pictures of each flower about the park. But every happiness must come to an end, and we make our way to the coast to make for a change a few photos.

a few of our photo opportunities
The beaches are great once again. On the one hand, another surf spot (this time, especially for kite-surfers), on the other hand, a deserted beach where the sun is spent. A fitting end for a truly wonderful weekend.

Sunset in Port Waikato

shell on the beach
Jenny plays with the Sea Catch ...
Same beach, but already dark, but the technology conjures up all bright



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