Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Gift For Last Chemo Treatment

good walk in the fjord country


After all the hoopla in Queenstown with its oversupply of extreme sports and its high density of pubs in this episode a word underlined particularly thick in our to-do list: "Nature"! We want them to experience the full. And this time not only in the first series like "camping in the woods" but in the middle. The solution: A walk for several days in the wilderness of New Zealand Fjord country. For this time Jenny and I are gone (geographically) separate ways. While the tear the scenic and (ahem ...) with 32 kilometers quite light and short (hehe ...) Routeburn Track preferred to I laced my boots for the Kepler Track. This is 62 miles not only much longer, but with extremely dangerous climbs and hikes feared degree also very challenging - that is just right for me. To make it short: not a few poor souls on this route the struggle against nature and have lost. But I can anticipate: I won! The track is over and I'm probably on! Basti 1, Nature 0! But now to what happened:
In Fiordland (here on the Routeburn Track) ...

The Routeburn Track
Yes, yes, the nature and their resistance will! Weeks ago I had decided on the shorter of the two tracks, but only so can the guys by three days of relaxation times and I can completely relax and enjoy the scenery of New Zealand. Three days should take our track of nearly 32 kilometers are well versed and had almost 1,000 meters in altitude should be overcome.
... clear the track of girls, the Routeburn Track. As flowers grow yes ...

Not a good prerequisite for this company was my night in the hostel: the bed was soft like a pudding and the housemates were so talkative and quack like ducks without breath half the night. To their bad luck my alarm clock rang at 6:30 and jump off the bunk bed can sometimes be very bumpy and noisy. Point was the 7:45 bus at the door, which brought us to the beginning of the track. However, since not all the teeth were cleaned down and chewed the sandwich or not. For this, we could along the nearly hour-long ride ever get a feel for the migration, because the local bus driver showed us the spot where the shot the scene from Lord of the Rings was in the Gandalf the Grey fell into the abyss ... aha, could also have been a different scene. The view was still breathtaking.
at the point of destination was first rested, things have been repackaged times, properly smeared with sunscreen and pushed a small snack in the pout. After final group photo, it could then finally start. With me in the adventure rushed Fie (Danish), Jannika, Linda, Mark, Annie, Matt (Germans) and PeauLinna (Mexico).
From left to right: Mark, Annie, Linda Peau, tear, fever, Matze and Jannika

The first day was only five miles long, but in the end went up in 1000 meters height. so then the walk was very easy to deal with first: past rivers and rapids, through ferns and other forest to a clearing with a magnificent view of snow-capped mountains. Ideal spot for lunch and sleep. But up to our cottage, it was still a steep path which could only be met with much sweat and effort. Over hill and dale we went uphill, the sun was ruthless and no breeze could be felt. And when Matt had almost no longer considered possible, we reached with difficulty and need our cabin. The Routeburn Falls Hut turn out for five star lodge in the cabins. Everything was pretty clean, we had virtually a room for us (the four beds were separated by wooden walls). The supper consisted of Coscos and beans, so hikers right food.
Our second day started with oatmeal for others and for me with granola bars and fruit Whoever invented the oats thing that should be ashamed!
Angels Basti

Were we now already at 1000 meters altitude, it was now once again higher than 200 feet, the trees disappeared, but still a bit of the natural vegetation was ready for us, a few flowers and strange plants had secured their survival here. On this day by the sun delighted with their presence, which made the walk quite pleasant (though one had the feeling that the backpack would be heavier with every step).
Permit: Strange plant ...

between bricks and stones are always surprised by the sight snow-capped mountains that seemed to come closer and were almost palpable. In between, we could feel the last vestiges of winter, especially Peau enjoyed the snow, because it does not snow in Mexico known as much.
Our first snow ...

But eventually we had to dismount and again and as we already thought that would be 10 kilometers for the day did not end, we saw the hut. To achieve this we had to undertake a seemingly enchanted forest, a mix of Fangorn Forest and lots of Ents (both Mr. the Rings). About my enthusiasm for this wonderful piece of nature I had completely forgotten that I consult for several hours, the loo had to what occurred to me but fortunately in the hut again. The Mackenzie hat was from its construction was a more senior student and for us just a huge bunk bed free, where we slept at the top and the bottom four. With us in the room and Spaniards, were on that later. This time our dinner was almost divine: it was freeze-dried Thai curry, dessert for the other Deluxe oatmeal and hot tea with a beautiful shot! And our rangers, who lived all year in the hut, told after dinner or a few stories from his everyday life. Among other things, he called told by the local owl Mopok which gives a similar sound as kiwis and is active at night. He also mentioned that it was very many years bad luck if you one day Mopok met. Well, Jannika and Peau us a few minutes earlier had shown the pictures of their encounter with the owl!
Now for the Spaniards, known for her temper, and now notorious for their snoring. If I believed that Basti is the greatest "make noises in the night" in the things I was taught in this night of a better one. The fat and rude Spaniards snored so loudly and violently that I could feel the vibrations in the atmosphere had.
sleepy and a bit grumpy so began the third day, with 12 kilometers was the longest route to go. After an endless climb felt it went downhill but the majority, and to my amazement still by magic forest ... wonderful.
The Magic Forest from Routeburn

The largest waterfall on the track, 174 yards threw the water into the depth was, of course, made a rest. Too bad that my space the camera was actually fully occupied since the previous day. Had just a few pictures as Queenstown will be deleted.
At the end of our tracks, it was again steep downhill faster than expected and we arrived at our end! So we had a half hour wait until the bus took us to Te Anau, where we slept the night, waiting for the guys.
A waterfall ... and another weird plant
Just a few short words: it was a great experience, three days and two nights by this wonderful migrate to New Zealand's stunning landscape. The backpack was not easy, but the impressions of mountains, rivers and forests made the steps easier.
And finally, a little bit Rumgepose with badges

The Kepler Track
62 kilometers spread over four days did not hear first particularly burdensome to. However, when einberechnet, that this is not a walk in the park or a shopping spree along the Kurfürstendamm is, but full of a high mountain path Dangers and privations, so the value of the first conquest obvious. Companies such category (eg walking to the South Pole, climbing Mount Everest or just the Kepler Track) stand or fall with an excellent preparation, the quality of the team that surrounds and a professional equipment.
It is also high: the Kepler Track

The rigorous planning of the Kepler track began several months ago in Auckland. It collected all the available weather data for the region "Fiordland" and using a specially developed computer program evaluated. Result was a narrow time window in late November, which should statistically provide the most stable weather. At that time, the huts were already booked for three nights and collected additional information on the route. Furthermore, we started with the physical and mental training. Daily physical exercises such as beer glass lifting and tying shoelaces were intensified, sharpened the mind with Sudoku puzzles, and changed the diet to a diet jelly.
The team consists of experts and luminaries of the international alpine hitchhiker scene. In addition to me in detail the novel from Austria (The man is called "Capricorn Styria" celebrated and honored ...), Fred is from Denmark (on the land mass between North and Baltic Sea climbed it all the eight-thousand ...) and Michael of Schland (Trained in the Brandenburg Switzerland has located there mont blanc massif already met twelve times - backwards).! .
Michael, Roman, moi and Fred ...
Last but not least, the equipment is based on a successful mission. Over the last few weeks has been concerned about special foods such as salami, cheese, canned spaghetti and beans. Supplemented with a colorful assortment of chocolates and a bottle of rum, the supply is thus in the bag. Also specifically for the track, a sleeping bag for $ 8 was purchased (it has been spared no expense or effort!). He holds to 20 ° C warm above zero is about 1.50 meters long and printed with a handsome motorcycle. The track can begin.
begin on Monday by the four heroes their "Tour of suffering." From the picturesque Lake Te Anau to be overcome to achieve the Luxmore Hut on that first expedition 800 meters. Weather Technically Peter is on our side - is paying the years eat each meal, therefore, finally times out. After initial stage is it plain cruel 8 km at a stretch uphill.
nothin 'for wimps: the rise

overtake During the climb, we striding so some other hikers who were probably somewhat overestimated. Also, I must pay tribute to the extremely high initial rate. Only a chocolate dose that normal people would probably miss a sugar rush, keeps me on my feet. We are, as might be expected, much too early at the cottage. Instead of the usual 7 hours of hiking time, we need 4 hours - "Oh my God, what top athletes" have to the other hikers think, as we report the evening with a wonderful grog from our exploits.
The Luxmore Hut with a magnificent backdrop

To be deep in the night told legendary stories and war injuries compared, then the 50-man dormitory attracts visitors with its tropical scents. The competition is not to be despised, but in the opinion of my companions, I am the loudest snorer. The ranger told the next morning that the night deer are mistaken about the hut, looking for the source of the nocturnal mating cries. I turn red.
The second day comes up with a short climb to nearly 1500 meters and then balancing on mountain grades. Usually it goes down the left and right several hundred yards. No question, a wrong step can have fatal consequences. The avalanche danger may mislead us, we finally have a mission to fulfill.
The view you get a sweat ... imHintergrund the other path

The summit cross of Mt Luxmore .. . Background: Lake Te Anau

Once again we set an infernal pace of the day. We will probably again set a new course record. The weather is not at its best. The sun appears only sporadically, while an almost Siberian wind blowing over the ridge. The landscape shows the fjord country of its harsh and secluded but beautiful page.
the resident Kea is a very playful Bergpapagai

After endless miles in the mountains (okay, there were about 12 ...) begins the descent into a tropical-style rain forest. In addition to the dreaded Sandflie swarms now increasingly difficult for small ailments (blisters, back pain) the next round. gain in the hut tasty canned food, and once again the magic potion brewed relief. The exhaustion I can still snore louder than usual perhaps it was not the snoring of the Spaniard, which Jenny has kept 100 miles up? When nighttime urination I hear from the forest kiwi calls. The good can not sleep well.
The last two days the stage actually combine quite well. The route takes us through different types of forests by the streams, rivers and lakes. Were the first days are mostly physically exhausting, so now the head comes into play. The blisters on the feet are enormous and your own body odor causes nausea. Remedy gives the jump in one of the lakes, the water refreshing 10 degrees must have. Somehow, I'm sorry that my Mockermauken will probably cause a species extinction in these waters, but the brutal stench is simply no longer have to endure.
One of the most beautiful mountain lakes in the area

otherwise be written back extremely fast times in the record books. be allowed almost beautiful faster than the police, the final 32 km in little more than 6 hours managed. When we finish we fall into the arms from the sky raining red roses. The civilization has us back.
the hero again ...

We were allowed to make experiences and landscapes to experience that one can not reach by car or by boat and therefore are of untouched beauty. This can be said that, despite sporting approach could absorb a lot of the overwhelming nature. The Résumé is therefore of very short, "We are heroes"

Milford Sound
If you see impressions of New Zealand, it may well be that the Milford Sound plays a major role. He is also part of Fiordland and purpose of our trip was the day after my return. Just getting enchanted with spectacular mountain scenery and rushing streams. At almost every corner of the water falls down in torrents of high steep cliffs. The Milford Sound itself is a former river valley which levels decreased by plate tectonics below sea level, and thereby forms a fjord-like maze of inlets.
wonders of Milford Sound Pretty ...

In this case, the surrounding mountains, however, particularly high and steep, making the landscape look with arresting beauty. Waterfalls cascading down everywhere, most of them only in rainy weather. By boat, we explore the estuary, which gives the weather technically versatile as a chameleon. Alternate every minute bright sunshine, fog and sunshine. Photos en masse shot in the sequence, until one side of the camera battery, the legs up and stretches the other, the "photo-arm is numb. Satisfied, we left at that point that Fiordland, this part of New Zealand but so far was a special highlight of our trip.
Jenny aka Puck, the Stubenpfliege likes what she sees ...

very photogenic ... a waterfall in the distance ...
... and up close ...

soon ... Jenny and Basti


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