Friday, November 12, 2010

Red White To Headphone Wire

The mountains ...


The departure appears
On Monday the sun in Auckland, for Jenny and Basti take their big trip to New Zealand! The apartment (as it will miss) is spotless clean and fully loaded the new apartment on wheels. After mandatory keys, the wild ride start will be already at 13.30 clock, they were scheduled for 11.00 clock ...
The route will take us to the realm of giants, south to the land of mountains.

Jenny und Basti in luftigen Höhen

Nach flotter Fahrt über Highways und Möchtegern-Autobahnen kommen wir pünktlich zum Sonnenuntergang am Mount Taranaki an. Der aktive Vulkan ist mit seinen rund 2500 Metern nicht der höchste, aber aufgrund seiner exponierten Lage der eindrucksvollste Gipfel der Nordinsel. Schneebedeckt thront er einsam über einer fruchtbaren Ebene. Außerdem sagt man ihm Ähnlichkeit mit dem japanischen Wahrzeichen Fujijama nach. Daher wurde hier wohl „Der letzte Samurai“ gedreht. Auch für unsere Kamera gibt sich der Berg sehr fotogen.
Mt Taranaki is the romantic interrupted

The shooting, since already at the onset of darkness, no sleeping accommodation is found. The next morning, it goes even further: the mountain and we radiate a race, until we finally win, as soon as wind and clouds obscure the summit. Indignant we pull us back. And there are still other mountains, which you can photograph.
Our apartment: Relatively small, but guaranteed with a beautiful view

The apartment is set in motion and comes after 6 hours of grueling trip (three cheers for the Mororbremse, here and there but it has a little smell of burnt rubber) are at Lake Taupo on. The lake is surrounded by a breathtaking (in every sense of the word, but more on that later) mountain landscape and the center of many extreme sports like bungee jumping, rafting and sky diving. As Jenny and I are absolute extreme mold, just right for us. We smell the adrenaline in the air and spontaneously decide to jump into the first motel's mineral pool. Extremely relaxed, it then goes back into the van, where Jenny falls asleep in spite of extremely many mosquitoes extremely fast - Toll!
snack on Highway

The trip to Lake Taupo was not only exhausting, but also a little exciting. First, we had the pleasure to happen just then a section of the highway and just a horde of rampaging sheep walking down the street. For us, it was then shut off the engine and wait. And of course, pull out the camera. We noticed here that sheep are excellent multi-tasker: you can run both on the road, raise the head to wonder, a little panic and by the way always still relish a few blades of grass still chew and on top mark the road! A similar encounter, then a few moments later, but with two cows. Since we were very lucky, because the herd had crossed the road already, only the two last had to walk over yet.
Another time we wanted to take time just as through a tunnel. Basti had already light on and everything seemed to be OK since appeared in the middle of the tunnel a huge monster. Perhaps I exaggerate a little. The excavator dug just a little sand and rock from the cave, which were previously well liked from the ceiling. Again it was called for We wait. Went back no more, because we parked just behind another car. Wait in a stuffy tunnel is not quite so nice! But the whole thing has not taken long before, my panic attack did not last long, therefore.
Tongariro National Park is the oldest national park in New Zealand

Wednesday is eight and a half hours young, as monitored by a Jenny on after about 11 hours of deep sleep to together with a night to do Basti tormented by mosquitoes the "best one-day hiking trip in New Zealand. In Tongariro National Park is the highest volcano in New Zealand and also the highest mountain in the North Island. In the immediate surroundings and other volcanoes are remarkable shot into the air. On a day trip can be climbed and scouted. A must for alpine fans, so also a must for us. Since I am a unique blend of mountain lion, mountain goat and Reinhold Messner (smell of the lion, intelligence from the box and the beautiful appearance of Reinhold), while Jenny was born with crampons, should the ridiculous 16km-walk only a short walk for us to be . Accordingly, designed the start of the hike. Graziel like young antelopes we overcome rough and smooth. Almost playfully bring We meters to yards behind us. be accorded After about 30 seconds and 100 meters distance must be the aggressive pace early toll. My legs tremble and the sweat runs down in torrents of mine. Fortunately, we have not left the parking lot. So I can quickly bring a change of Jenny shirt and an extra drink from the car. After the brief respite to continue.
... already at the sight of Ruapehu I start to sweat.

I have lost some of my grace, my cramped body drag a more or less towards the mountain, the increase the summit has not even begun. After about 4.5 km, it is reached. I am totally exhausted, while Jenny is obviously pleased that it finally starts. I forced an approving smile on his lips. "Well, at least steps in the rock hit" I think. After about 200 meters overcome height difference turns me over and over again the question, why has not the same nails done the job properly, and installed escalators instead of stairs Normalo - that would be much more visitor-friendly! After another 200 meters I desperately search the button for the elevator - I did not think. Jenny soothes me by consents after hard negotiations, who from now on to my backpack.
The Flop Five of the climbers scene

My joy is short-lived: In 1600 meters altitude, the air is scarce. I begin to fantasize. In the dream seems Reinhold Messner and tells me that I am the most ridiculous character who ever wanted to climb a mountain. "Why do not you tell me anything that I do not know?" I ask back. "Give me NEN tip?" Reinhold: "Turn around! You're too soft! "I awake from my daydream and am willing to turn back, because I look like a 75 year old woman strutting past me. Your arrogant expression motivates me to keep going. I cling (optical) to its arid calves, Jenny walked behind. The additional weight of my bag, it does not seem to mind. After half an eternity, the old lady comes to rest, I turn my eyes away from their stilts to detect surprised that the highest point of the trip is reached. And compensated the outlook for everything! In 1900 meters altitude, we look first, to a few shimmering green crater lakes and the other in a red volcanic cone from which it evaporated. In the background more, snow-capped volcanoes. The colors are sometimes so unreal that I'm wondering if the lack of oxygen still softens my brain. But Jenny looks just as fascinated from the laundry, so's will be so. The following are the obligatory photo series.
I wonder where is the Red Crater "his name.

In the middle of another crater (surrounded by snow), the right a couple of emerald-green lakes
Links of Mt Ngauruhoe, Mt Tongariro to the right, whistles in the middle of the level of the hyoid fracture

A staunch wind through your ears, and things are still totally drenched in sweat. Short remedy gives the volcanically heated soil, into which one can put his hands, but in the end, the return will be started. Runs much more relaxed. The scenery can now be enjoyed in full. The defeated bitch sits sadly by the wayside, I wear with pride even back to my backpack. In the Valley arrived at the parking lot, we turn around again to enjoy the scenery and the trip (about 16 km from 1150m to 1886m altitude and back) Revue to have happen. Despite all the hardships that was a certainly (hopefully) once in a lifetime experience.

pity that we do not get that night back at the campsite with swimming pool, for such a leap into the warm wet would certainly be a good rest after this very tiring march have been!

Na na, madam! But we do not suggest that the accommodation does our choice that night also has geothermal delicacies. A 38 ° C hot-water river (!) Streamed past the Lodge, but we were too lazy or tired to jump in the dark in ner flow.

38 degrees is too cold for me! Ugh! So, further in the context ...

Volcanic activity

promised The Thursday as a day in the chemical building block to be. While I was already in Roturua come to enjoy the extremely foul-smelling volcanic activity, Basti had to wait until today for his first encounter. Not far from our neighborhood at night hid the "Hidden Valley" in Orakai Korako. The thermal park in New Zealand bad, or so it praises the guide. The road leading to it traveled through raging forest and arrived at the parking lot, we realized that we have to cross a lake. The only question is how we come over there to dry. But Basti, as always, scout master of the situation, from quickly render a Böötchen runs over. For a proud admission, we boarded the ship and set out on our tour of the spa park
It sizzles and smokes from all Näter ...

of holes and bubbling mud pools of randomly erupting geysers we were here with absolutely everything you in chemical Modular home can not see! Furthermore, the world seems to shine here in a thousand colors, caused by the different chemical compounds, the so hergibt a volcanic area. In between, you walk through a jungle-like area and still gets to the native plant life offered. One of the many highlights is a cavern, as it gives them so only the second time in Italy.
A "smart" cave

At the end of the entrance to the cave is a small green lake, which used to be the Maori women pretty used to make and can be used today for cleaning jewelry. Crap that I think many gems not with me. After we have several minutes felt like hours, had been waiting that the geyser erupts at last what he did not, we set off again to the apartment.
Our journey ends at a very deserted campsite in the middle of nowhere, but to us with a spectacular canyon scenery, as well as electricity and running water supplied. In such a beautiful nature, it could be then glorious sleep!
An old bridge, and Jenny, as it lives and breathes

beautiful backdrop for a sunset
days ... Until the pork and dog


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