Thursday, November 18, 2010

Lump When Cutting Wisdom Teeth

Already in the South Island, we are now on the west coast

After the last mountain and volcano world of the North Island was put under the microscope, turns this time all about the refreshing element of water. The journey takes us from the capital Wellington on the Marlborough Sounds, the Abel Tasman National Park and a lake to the west coast of South Island.

Under the plan, we should first reach Wellington on Saturday because we had to spend the night before, in a national park across the bay from Wellington. However, the camp presented to be very, very easy out and we desperately needed electricity! So we welcomed New Zealand's capital city with a stiff breeze.
Happily, soon the South Island travel to be allowed to ... Jenny and Basti on a beach at Wellington

The camp was quickly found and booked after careful consideration for two nights. After a stormy night in the wind-torn campers on Saturday morning we headed into the city. There, we were reasonably agreed with a few students from Auckland. Since my card reading skills were set due to a faulty card expire, Basti had to find their way alone through Wellington to a cheap parking. But the master is so reliable! Our first stop was the local museum as "Te Papa" called. Free admission sweetened this matter yet and after three hours of great and informative exhibitions and installations, we were on our way to the City Center to conquer. It was quite clearly that Wellington is firstly are very European, run around a lot of alternative students and the second can not get lost. Of course, we took a cable car, a red cable car, then to traipse through the Botanical Garden is back! So all around a beautiful day in the city, with lots of wind and a little drizzle and finally there was a ne coffee and hot chocolate!
The view from the Botanical Garden: Wellington and soup

The crossing
The day begins with a rather nasty time from 6.15 clock. The ferry leaves at 8:35 clock, but you really have to be there an hour before - crap! Quasi-sleep trance in the campervan is stowed in the belly of the ship, then it's off for Jenny and me on deck.
Our ferry in the port of Wellington

We want to enjoy the fresh air and what to see. The fact that the crossing of Cook Strait as quite bumpy and stormy, and is was wished us good luck on departure for the trip, can not stop us. And rightly so! The horror trip turns out to be coffee journey, the crossing of the River Spree is probably more exciting.

North Island adopted a very friendly grab

We have a few nice places on the sunny leeward side and enjoy the ride (even on mobile phones, the results day of the game have been checked, the Berlin Baskets are still waiting for their first win). After three hours of pure relaxation is Picton, a sleepy port city on the South Island reached. Here, briefly filled the storage tanks in order to survive the next few days self-sufficient in the wilderness of the Marlborough sounds.

Marlborough Sounds
This maze of islands, peninsulas and fjords in the north of the island of enchanting solitude and soothing atmosphere, even if the weather is not so hot. Actually known as the sunniest region of New Zealand, to show us the sounds of their cloud-page - was somehow clear. As has probably not eaten anybody. I am not at fault, which shows the roundness of my "keg". But that's another topic ... The sounds are definitely a good place to relax your soul. Few people are spread over many secluded coves. But the solitude has its price. The arrival of very heavy serpentine streets is worse than roller coaster ride. Even for me as a driver's is not quite so comforting in the stomach. And one should also take time: for a very short distance of about 35 kilometers you will ever need an hour. Finally arrived at the campground just the surrounding area is explored, and then provide a delicious menu boxes on his feet. For Chicken Curry anyone can sleep well, so the eyes after a short jingle nightcap then also considerable. The case calls and we obey - Good night!
Bunter as ne mixing palette: the colors in the sounds

Today we have the Weka met. A bird can not fly like the kiwi. But the Weka is much more robust and very, very curious and very cute to watch! However, this bird is also on the list of endangered species!

Abel Tasman
After a relaxing night, we are the first to wake up and the first (and only our small tour group that in this day Towards Abel Tasman National Park), departing. First, it looks very nice sunny, but the closer we come to the sea, the more beautiful it becomes. Short Basti wiedermal doubt in my card reader arts, because we had taken the wrong turn to the Abel Tasman National Park. However, it was more a communication problem, we both wanted to various campsites. Short shot and on it went.
shell on the beach

After we parked our apartment and supplied with electricity, we walked a bit on Beach of the Tasman Sea along and made us think about our walk tomorrow! Ultimately we decided on a water taxi. But for the same! Delicious potato prepared a la Jenny ourselves for a good night.
Beautiful, the coastline of Abel Tasman National Park

The next morning gave us almost no pleasure, for a piece of paper hanging on the shower, that the power The hot water may be gone in the next hour would! Beautiful crap. If you had to say earlier. But as the New Zealanders Now times are relaxed, had Basti and I still get lucky and were the last who could take a shower this morning! Consequently, it was our hike through the freshly showered start Abel Tasman National Park! The park consists of many, many small sheltered coves that can only be reached on foot along a brisk walk through fern forests or by water taxi. We chose a small march of 11.7 km, which we did a similar tropical plants! The hike in 30 degree wind chill in the sun but was rewarded with a beautiful beach.
Streams of sweat flowed to this photo shoot

Water invited to swim, but it was really cold! And now the water taxi: We had no desire to run back all the way back, we decided the day before back for a ride by water taxi. A beautiful thing that would calm can last even longer. touted

Lake Rotoroa
by many guidebooks as one of the most beautiful mountain lakes of the island, we were attracted to this beautiful lake. In human tourists, the lake is a secret, now under sandflies yes, malls ... Even when opening the passenger door on us is a welcome committee of those pesky bloodsuckers. A short but relatively valid photo session later, it is clear that the evening well spent in the camper is completely barricaded. Too bad, because the planned hike to a waterfall drops into the water. But as real opportunists we decide to make the best of the situation and about: food! This time, the doses menu is complemented by a delicious salad - No one wants to suffer from scurvy!
postcard-perfect Lake Rotoroa (Who does not want to go down to blood shortage, which should necessarily think of bug spray!)

West Coast

Yes, yes, is the West Coast already is exciting. As our day started again with sandflies, we escaped very rapidly in the West (like many others before us ;-)). Our first stop was George Buller, a suspension bridge across a raging river. This area was in earlier times often hit by earthquakes. Crossing the bridge was a little odd, but was great fun. The subsequent hike through the park became an obstacle course, especially as I again in flip-flops walked'm going.
overcomes the Buller River ...
... and winds through the mountains

Our next stop was Westport. First refuel and get food supplies, it also went further already. Spontaneous us turn led to a seal colony near Westport. A very nice facility, with many Wekas, beautiful beaches and Rock formations and lazy in the sun lying around seals. I almost thought of seeing Basti on the stones, but now stood beside me.
picture puzzle: If you find the seal (s)?

went after the seal is further along the coast. In Punakaiki Pancake Rocks and blowholes were waiting for us. The Pancake Rocks had received its name because of their shape (but really they did not look like pancakes). We arrived a little late, however, as the tide again more nearly low tide, so we Blowholes experienced only suggested. Nevertheless, there could well sit down and be happy for hours and listen to the waves. So we remained in this same place with the funny name, made delicious dinner and watch the sunset.
The pancakes are served
cuddly mood ...
the middle of things instead of this: black swans in courtship
... in Farnwald
Jenny speaks with a family Weka
We talk to us - Jenny and Basti


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