Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hrconfidentiality Agreement

Christmas story that went down in history

the days I sat at the doctor. There, I grabbed a copy of the star (star # 50, 12/09/2010). In it I found a very impressive article (a copy will be here ).

It is about an HIV-infected man who fell ill with leukemia additionally. That in itself I find it really hard. But then you develop this story:
The man was a doctor of the Berlin Charité. The latter tried stem cell donors in the bone marrow file and found it. Among the potential donors there was one who had a particular genetic mutation, whereby the receptor CCR5 changed so that the docking of the HIV quasi impossible. The mutation should have 0.1% of all Europeans who are immune to HIV.

These mutant stem cells were transplanted into the patient, with success. For it might the HI virus in the blood no longer be detected (it will probably explicitly do not "cure", but "not detectable" spoken), which continues even today. The same happened to the end (so far final only after a second transplant) with the blood cancer.

So the man was by a happy coincidence of two extremely serious illness through genetic mutation rescued from donor stem cells and was incidentally the first man, in which the HIV virus could be combated.

has of course the whole not to be underestimated side effects. Time of the death rate of 30% except for such interventions, was the man through the whole Treatments a physical wreck, making mostly paralyzed and only now has tens of therapy to walk again and his memory and language skills to train again.

it in recent years, more such treatments have been tried, but failed either to the non-existence of suitable donors or the death rate from leukemia. Still, it's kind of a glimmer of hope on the horizon. I for one was impressed by this story - even if it is supposed to have two years to be known.

Here all this a little closer FAZ article (18/07/2010) is.


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