Sunday, December 5, 2010

Use Computer To Connect Walkie Talkie

of seals, sea lions and icebergs (huh?)

already quite a lot of red on the map ...

The Milford Sound and the tracks are now history. We must look forward, because only a few weeks, even days are left to us in the South Island of New Zealand. The evening after the visit to the Milford Sounds was then used promptly to adopt some of our travel group with a cozy dinner in our apartment rolling properly. Not without first seem to be at the end of the world. 30 km gravel road had to be overcome, only to face a closed because of toxic risk campsite. So another 30 kilometers of gravel slopes back and down to another campsite.

went after our journey into no man's land there to the supposedly most southern cities of New Zealand: Invercargill and Bluff
The camera child Jenny is at work properly on ...

Invercargill has the charm of an industrial area, but gives us the advantage of our saddle bags with food and to fill the tank with gasoline. There's also this little town to explore, even if the local branch of McDonald's serves excellent Big Macs. The trip to Bluff (the name actually should have warned us) has proved extremely unnecessary. While Invercargill with "industrial area" can be described, is in a bluff rather the term "ghost town" one. The only obvious advantage: you can see the sea! What in for a letdown ...
... 19 Century was the coast in the south east the site of many shipwrecks ... subsequently developed many of the standard lighthouses ...

One more reason to leave the area behind and flee to the Catlins (a coastline). There should sunken vessels, seals and sea lions are waiting for us.
Fortrose that day was the first stop in the Catlins. There, we searched for a sunken ship, which ran in 1831 on the basis was. Nature was on our side, as the tide set in and really the last remains of the ship was visible. However, we need much imagination to craft from the wooden poles and sticks in your mind a ship.
We again had plenty of time for play, fun and excitement ...

We take a nice walk along the shingle beach, which is certainly good for the circulation of the feet. We have the beach only with a few funny wigs share algae-bearing crabs. Of the marine fauna done, now to a few larger animals to visit. A sandy foot pressed the accelerator, which accelerates the car in the direction of a sea lion colony.
A crab with a strange hair

from Waipapa Point Lighthouse lit us the way to the sea lions. At first dogs, its really very inconspicuous, but on the beach. Well camouflaged and one with nature, you could almost trip over them. But when they have first distinguished from the rocks lying around, then one can have the goose bumps down your spine . Run Thus, a mature male has already generated 500 kilos fighting weight on the scale.
sea lions in their favorite pastime: dozing

Schade (! Or not) that the critters in the wild, therefore, are not as playful as the aquarium or zoo. Lethargic as they loll on the beach stones. Although this is very nice in my opinion, I would have hoped for some spectacular photos but the one or the other emotion. Well, I'm no different ...
... the approach of a lion's mane is in the form of a mohawk recognizable.

next stop on our search for sea creatures is a coastal section, which aims to provide the same penguins find another attraction: a petrified forest 160 million years ago. While the penguins make rare, at least we get to see the ancient trees that appear at low tide from the sea. It takes a little imagination, but we have ... On closer inspection you can see "lying around" single tree trunks, and also their grain.
Since the stomach is now somewhere between the hip and ankle, we are on an odyssey to find accommodation for the night.
Maybe not immediately recognizable: a fossilized tree

Our day ended after a long search in Owaka on the skurrillsten Campground, we have experienced so far. The area where we parked our rolling apartment and supplied with electricity, was a former hospital. In the two-story main house was located next to the huge kitchen and the laundry rooms of the drunken owner of an eye on Basti had thrown (I can not blame him, I, too). The hot water was heated with a coal furnace and the right time for a shower was so against 10 clock in the evening. And promptly seemed to haunt even in the shower: the doors creaked and eerie sounds came from seemingly every corner. But we survived the night unscathed and even slept very well. On the way towards Dunedin, we began to spin our own ghost stories from the hospital in Owaka!
Here is the weather changes quite clearly visible: the left the dark side of power, right sunshine ... we went to the left ...

Before it went to Dunedin we made a stop at Nugget Point. Promised were sea lions, penguins, elephant seals, and seals. But as Mother Nature is just the way she does not keep all the promises and all we got to Robben's face. it can but a lot and in the wild, what is the one to look very pretty, for others it stink like hell.
A New Zealand Fur Seal (seal) has sensed something. Threat of my shoes?
This Casanova ... (looking at you, kid!) Felt

Inexplicably, Basti very well at Nugget Point. He seemed to have found quite congenial. The only question is whether it was because of laziness or Stinkerei?


Dunedin captured our hearts from the beginning. The city lured us with its many old stone houses and its quite charming medieval character. No wonder but it was built mostly by Scottish immigrants. After a tour of the center are urging the bad weather and movie day to the movies, it was first "Harry Potter" look "and now I have to wait again until the last installment in the movies!
European influences make the city of Dunedin very adorable ...

promised the next morning in Dunedin is no improvement in terms of weather, one reason why many young people in recent years, rather migrated to the north, because the city has over 200 Rainy days. For this, we tour the chocolate factory and with us felt a hundred thousand other people. So we admire both the museum and then flee before the masses, the rain and before the chocolaty temptation.
Mobile tight teens in downtown ...

We decided back in the mountains to ride, there was apparently hiding the good weather.

The Southern Alps
One of the reservoirs in the east of the Southern Alps

Said - done ... away from the rainy coast and inland goes inside the wild ride. Again, different landscapes within a very short time be passed. From the rainy coastal forest on dry desert and canyon landscapes furrowed to snow-capped mountains, everything is there - to little more than 150 miles driving distance. Several hydropower plants are visited, which are arranged like pearls on a chain along the highway (Jenny's patience is amazing). We also hike the half-way "Clay Cliffs", which in turn very similar to the wild canyons in the western United States and thus remember the old Western-ham.
You will also ... desert canyon scenery

Finally, however, inevitably draws us into the mountains, or rather in the mountains of New Zealand. Around Mt Cook, the highest mountain in the country (3755 meters), cavort other mountain giants, on the one hand, admired and invite the other to climb. The latter, unfortunately, we must refuse the invitation ... For me, the climb would certainly be a no brainer, but somehow must indeed Jenny come back intact:).
Mt Cook (center) topped all

We restrict ourselves to different walks of glacial valleys, icebergs can discover and fill up a lot of color.
The Tasman Glacier is hardly recognizable as such because it carries a glaze made of stones. Still, he throws now and then from a few icebergs, which then drive the glacial lake.

Beautiful ... the Southern Alps
Even in the dark, pretty to look at ...
Until the days ...

We were quite pleased, this section of the South Island, even if we go so slow the sleeve, since the departure is getting closer and closer.
Well ... soon, the Kiwis


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