Thursday, January 6, 2011

Catch Phrases For Lip Balm

basic principles: 1 Communism

In the following series of my blog name I will the most important principles of policy to explain, so for now only communism, capitalism, anarchy, monarchy / dictatorship, representative democracy, grassroots democracy and separation of powers, its advantages and disadvantages, and most recently with a subjective Review complete.
I begin today with the basic principle No. 1, communism. Many think the word communism first to East Germany, the Soviet Union, Cuba, China or North Korea, Mao, Castro, Stalin or Kim Jong Il. These are all countries
hammer and sickle, a typical sign of the communist labor movement
and leaders who claim to be Communist. The "real" communism but relies on the teachings of the sociologist Karl Marx, who described in his book "Das Kapital" the principles of the Communist society, and instructions were to reach this company. His only way there was the revolution of the workers, which are the foundations of communist society, but, according to Marx, exploited in the society at that time only, lower enslaved people without opportunities for advancement are.
are a result of the social structures it according to Marx However, a clear upward trend in the position of the bottom layer, from antiquity to his time, the industrial revolution: first
Antiquity, slavery
second Middle Ages, feudal society
third Industrial age, oppression of workers by capitalists
This upward trend, according to Marx will, to continue the revolution of the workers, and result in a fourth state, communism, in which there are no longer oppressed.
is brought about by the fall, the rich, that the bourgeoisie is expropriated and the production in the hands of the workers. It is important to reach critical that this state will receive the distribution among the workers remains, and there are no more elites.
This is one of the weaknesses in Marx's theories, because who is to make sure that everything is well distributed among the people? How can ever be ensured that the people must be coordinated on the one hand, not enrich the other hand, those in power? Who controls the creation and management of such a system in which the state is the only institution that decides on the one hand everything. on the other hand, guided by the entire nation?
All attempts of establishing a communist state failed either because enriched the rulers and the people who felt suppressed too much, or because there were economic problems, the State was broke then. On the other hand, the idea of a communist state is contradicted by the theories of Marx, by which can function only of communism International.
My opinion about communism is relatively simple: The idea is not bad in itself, but it does not work in reality.
If I've forgotten some important points, please send me an email , or leave a comment.


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