Thursday, January 27, 2011

Nicest Boobs In The Wwe

I could

ditte know? Sits somewhere uff sonem shitty subway station around. Total full. Anywhere but clusters shitty people. And then you burn at rest on your butt. And now Kieker se up at all like horse. The guy next to me was like so full of aggro. Weeß non-jar, so what the uffregt. Man man man ... Well me ejal.

have Eijentlich ick OOCH jar Bock keen uuf ditt thing. Hm, nu brenntse halt. Oh, shit here allet center crap. Well, the current isse almost everyone might come draw it. Aggro type shit ... Übahaupt, Janz world is shit ... And icke? There's so uffm platform? Might come as sone Pulle ..

" makes Ey, fifteen €! "

watt How? Wersnditte? Watt babbles of me so stupid out of the corner? Let him keep his stupid mouth. For whom the assistant has eijentlich fuck with lakes Neonweste? Beee - Fauuu - Jeee.

Oh shit, caught. Hmm, watt the hell, is all anyway. Under the seat isse jenauso uffjehoben jut like meene hand.

" Yes, exactly. Smoking on the platform costs actually fifteen euros. "

Uh, Oookay. Ditt's it? Why ziehtn the present line? Goiiiilll!

uhoh, ick gloob type of aggro really pisses grad. Hatta already jefreut, wa. Well bad luck jehabt, leg.

" ditt Yeah, you see, ditt middle fuffz'n Euros. " ick that still roaring hintaher piss off me and held underground ...


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