Saturday, January 15, 2011

Red Spotting Prior To Testing

Schööö Australia ...

We had a great time in Australia ...

Our last days on Australian soil lead us towards hot and humid north, always along white sand beaches and tropical forested islands. It never far away: the beautiful and gigantic great barrier reef.

After all the rain we got off even a day full of sunshine as we were early in the morning to ungodly hour on the way to our Whitsunday Iceland trip made. Three Islands should be controlled, and involved snorkeling, swimming and relaxing announced
On entering the water to look indispensable and extremely pretty: have wetsuits to protect against jellyfish

But so nice to read the brochures of tour operators, so unspectacular designed to be the day trip. Through our experiences and impressions of Tonga and the New Zealand Bay of Islands, we are of course quite normal in terms of marine life and island landscapes. Therefore we cry during the tour not according to "Oh" and "Ah", but rather mutter "Mmm" and "Aha" (always the financial investment in mind!).
Beautiful: Whitehaven Beach

The only place that us away from really the flip-flops, is Whitehaven Beach, a beach does what its name . The water is crystal clear and the coral sand is almost unreal to know. There go with Jenny and I ever get the horses through - umherzuhüpfen We start at uncontrolled. Hach, this youth ...
So much enthusiasm ...

We can but still not a bad mood and enjoy the ferry ride back to the mainland, where the wind is blowing our nose.

The next day, just before we headed to a Townsville Wildlife Park, who promised us crocodiles and other reptiles. Unfortunately, we were a bit late turn, so we had just one and a half hours to watching and running around. Fortunately, the reptile show was still in full swing and as I the whole thing a little skeptical about shone in the little-boy-Basti eyes.
Jenny is watching the joy right
A saltwater crocodile

Finally, it is not every day the chance to make a (admittedly small) Alligator feel in your hands or a constrictor around his neck to be allowed. What a joy. The positive side to our late arrival: We are practical for two in the park here and there are open enclosure, which are now inhabited by all sorts of free-running animals, kangaroos, parrots and comical birds, which quite aggressively their territories . Defend Little bastards!
A squadron of parrots in flight ...

... and a loner at work ...

The nearby Townsville and provides shelter for the night. On the one hand, this coastal city is ideally located between the rainforest-covered mountains and the countryside around Magnetic Island Iceland, on the other hand, by their auto-tuning yobs. Hach yes, even in such far away places so you can feel right at home, like Saturday night at the gas station to de corner. (We stopped counting!)
After another thundery night it goes into the port. The upstream "magnetic" island (the name she owes explorer James Cook, whose compass has played crazy) will be explored. The ride is straightforward and fast, the most beautiful and rugged island easily accessible. Wandering way to be exploring the beautiful secluded bays and wooded mountains. It all starts with the best weather on the Horseshoe Bay to St. Peter opens the gates, and in such a right. Soaked to the bone, the island will no longer appear sooo pretty and the way is quite difficult. Nevertheless, we catch the odd sunny moment to dry our clothes and soaked bodies can be. Beautiful, even if the promised koalas remain in hiding!
Any beach on Magnetic Iceland

And our walks around the island we were not once but several times soaked to the bone!
At the bus stop, where we had over 30 minutes waiting for our bus, we should bring back the ferry back, we got a nice Geschwisterpäarchen . Know Both Swabians had rented a campervan and wanted to go in the direction from which we had just fled. After we had told them about our adventure story, they decided to drive back to Cairns, so we spent four of a nice and cozy evening at the rest area with a nightly visit from the Possum.
A Possum as a night time visit ...

The next day, the final piece of a large distance is overcome. Cairns is the last station in Australia. Overall, we are now 12,000 km (including 6300 in Australia) traveled in two months. This is roughly the distance from Berlin to New York and back again, but straight line. That's it.
games, fun and excitement at the Bay Bingin

any case, we take on the road with a rain forest, which really deserves the name. All sorts of unreal tangled roots, colorful animals and a beautiful waterfall we sweeten the ride.
fairly oblique branches
again a parrot

Our last night with the rolling apartment should be the absolute luxury, unplanned manner. In the early afternoon, we placed our car in the BIG4 Adventure Park, the laundry was done and as always let the soul dangle a bit. Then there was a round of shoot-a-round on our own basketball court and then a round Jacuzzi. And it got even better the next morning with pancakes was waiting on us, rather than less Basti me.
really has nothin to do with the text, but shown anyway: The Dragon

The return of the campervan runs amazingly relaxed and tränenarm. Somehow we are still happy to be rid of the cart and, once again to sleep in a bed that is not cobbled together from a table top and a few boards and seat backs. Thanks Camperman, in the end we lied, a happy ending.
dinner on the balcony

The final days are clearly marked by total relaxation. The basis for this is of course an appropriate base, a place to which you can really let your mind wander, as it were, an oasis of good humor, or casually speaking, just a beautiful hotel. And since we have probably been lucky. Our accommodation is spacious, comfortable and overlooking the sea. Fits scho ...
... to see from the balcony: the daily thunderstorm ...

And if we are ever in Cairns on the Great Barrier Reef, we thought, we must also look at the Reef again. The plan was to make a further journey by ship, according to Green Iceland, snorkeling can be had from Basti and I have observed in the submarine base, the driest corals. However, Mother Nature radioed us again in between: the jellyfish Green in and around Iceland at this stage were clearly outnumbered, so that the ship's company wanted to take a risk and therefore did not offer Cruises. But somehow we had to get there but ...
The Great Barrier Reef attracts visitors with beautiful colors

If blocked the sea route, is necessary to avoid willy-nilly into the air. Price stabbed an airline positive addition, the "Barrier Aviation. When we get the machine to face, we know why ... The mill has the best days already behind him, we think, as we climb into the rickety piece of scrap metal. The pilot knows to report that the registration dates back 42 years. At that time, Armstrong has entered the first man to the moon and Willy Brandt was chancellor. I think both would avoid this machine. Well, we the whole thing fits into the budget. We really take off ...
Any Cay lined with coral

The hour of Great Barrier Reef, the fly passed literally in a flash. Unfortunately, too fast, in my opinion. But still, it was breathtaking, all the various shades of blue, shone in the sea and many small coral islands, which looked from the air very, very beautiful. And if we have not all been deceived, we have even seen a turtle.
nice colorful ...
has seen a lot: the machine (and we, too ...)


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