Thursday, January 20, 2011

Windburn On Baby Cheeks

the town without food Pt.III

Some of you may recall the strange affair of the Phantom of the Opera, a mystery never fully explained. We are told, ladies and gentlemen, that this is the very chandelier Which figures in the famous disaster. Our workshops have restored it and fitted it up parts of it with wiring for the new electric light so that we may get a hint of what it may look like when reassembled. Perhaps we may frighten away the ghost of so many years ago with a little illumination, gentlemen?
[Prologue, The Phantom Of The Opera]


That was then. I do not know how many years I had longed for e this event. The Phantom of the Opera to see live. The Musical of Musicals. And we were sitting in it. Here on the London Broadway. Here at the Picadilly, in "Her Majesty Theatre. Was The stage a work of art in itself. Although we saw at the beginning is not really anything like this, but if only the elaborate curtains aroused a feeling in me, d he described to me hard. Falls Theatre itself was very pretty. opulence at every turn, portraits and reliefs, wherever you look. Yes, the Phantom was worthy. Somehow, you felt even before the start as a visitor of that legendary opera house in Paris. It was great. Only the seats left much to be desired. I think the British have, on average, much smaller than us landlubbers. The rest ended up somewhere in the Cross and the leg was worse than the train. The result was always the man in front of his man behind the knees in the back. Thanks Anne, I could but sit on the floor, pushing my legs there and was able to comfortably follow the action.
Even after the overture was the exhilaration. The costumes were a stunner, but featured the sets sc
hlicht all in the shade. And then it came. With "Think of me" she sang her way into the hearts of the audience. And as for us both, it also managed not even the Phantom Raoul, topple them from the throne. The two principal male roles were great, but Christine was not enough in the water approach.
The theater was worth the money. All
emal. An incredible production that was actually almost perfect. The stage show, the chandelier, the balcony. Class. The singing and acting were terrific. And yet, unfortunately, only almost perfect. I personally found it a little, failed. Unmasked the Phantom looked somewhat ridiculous. Moreover, the actor tried to unmasking a particular threat to put it in his voice failed him what I think. And so for me was the end of the phantom of the carvers in the otherwise wonderful performance. Anne does not share this last opinion by the way.

As we again were at the gates of the theater, killed us. It was previously colorful and flashy, so the time it's even be topped. The streets are full
Party People. Everywhere you look, long limousines and drunken people. Too much of the good. Spontaneously, the plan was made to spend the last hours of the stay somewhere in a nice ale or cider at a local pub near Liverpool Street. Was it fatigue or was it even for a Berlin a culture shock, anyway, we just wanted to get away. Rapidly in the next, of course mercilessly crowded, underground manhole increased. And shortly thereafter quickly back out when we first had dealt with the prices of public transport in London. We were running, we had finally time. Time, hunger, and slowly but surely nasty leg pain. So what? Teeth clenched, as one needs to. And we would see even more of the city. And actually, one was even out of the confusion, it was suddenly deserted. Again, we dangled us from card to card and again we crossed very nice streets and alleys. But what we found was an open bar. Not a snack, nothing. We moved into the metropolis of London, by the central location in the center of what was humanly possible. And there was nothing to eat. Absolutely nothing. 10pm had everything closed. Our now almost unbearable hunger drive us forward, in the hope that something in the station-to-find en. We crossed a very scary night-acting industrial area and passed a number of closed pubs. And then, just before the finish we actually saw anything open. Packed with London party people. Screeching, bawling, boozing. No chance. Of course it was not a place, not to mention quite a bit between the gills. Of course we were not the only people who are looking for something in London food and discovered this rarity. And so we said goodbye to the idea of a peaceful end and dragged ourselves exhausted in the station. There we saw ... nothing. At least at first Everything had to look. But then we discovered a small stand in a corner, which actually sold more baguettes, presumably about to be closed. Finally have something again in the stomach, the first after the Bu rger fourteen hours, one filled with a cozy feeling. But the leg pain could be combated only with real pain medication. contribute to later, when they began a quarter-hour, I was again full of energy. While my company did not look as they would do only one step, but still three hours to sit around in the cold station was not an option. So once again the plans were forged. What we had

not yet seen what can be achieved with the subway? I would have liked to have my 500 and had fully Founds for another cache in the eye.
A can directly on the Greenwich Meridian. Views would have liked, as my GPS device shows in a coordinate all zeros. But for that you had to know, Greenwich to Greenwich, or more precisely North. This is eight p.m. U-Bahn minutes from Liverpool Street. But as I said, basically, we had time. And drive we were sitting now, rather than running forever. We looked at the metro map and defined a circular route. Once Greenwich, then Sherlock Holmes of Baker Street 221b visit, and as a conclusion even after the King's Cross Track 93 / 4 So we became friends at this late hour but still with a day ticket, which was in contrast to the individual tour not so great expensive. After a magnificent chaos - what color our subway and various road closures have been calculated in our weekend, which forced us to huge roundabout way, if we did not leave our tariff zone illegally - but still we found the right train. Exactly one station but later we asked a damn unfriendly voice, immediately leave the train, the stations would close now. Just imagine once: It was just after 1am on a Sunday and the London Tube is closing. So we stood back, before the with gates closed doors of a metro station, completely discouraged. in the pocket two freshly purchased day tickets.

We now simply have wandered away without hesitation. We wanted to buy a bus ticket is no longer, they knew then what malice was waiting there for us? We walked along any main road, applied suddenly, as the Kleene decided again to try to see the water. We wandered the H auptstraße back. Past the narrow streets with nothing but closed pubs. Depression at some point we reached the Thames. Almost exactly at the point where we first Time had seen. Out of sheer boredom I set out to examine the walls for a third time after that darn box. We finally had tons of time. And do not feel like running. Even now it was low tide. Even now i found nothing ch.

We are reminded, as seen at noon on the Millennium Bridge from the Tower Bridge to have. We noticed that we were missing from the typical London Sightseeing catalog nor the tower and the associated bridge. And so we Schlu
rften half motivated down the Thames in the opposite direction. The streets were deserted, only here and there a reception prior to any major office buildings. We were after a seemingly endless march occurring We on the walls of the Tower of London. And I have to admit, that impressed me. Somehow I always had only this middle section with the four towers in mind when they spoke from the tower. But this well-fortified castle with its battlements and walls was pretty g Ewalt. Along those walls we circled n the former seat of power half and entered the coronation or the Tower Bridge. I tried desperately a photo directly from the middle of the road to get out, but although the weak but steady traffic and screaming my company gave me little to chance. Frantically I shot a reasonably sharp image.

It was about time. Somewhat targeted so we walked back to the station, where we witnessed the re-opening live. As expected, this was closed shortly after we had left him. Inside expected u been the conductor of the StandstedExpresses ns, which is manifested at early hours or as a bus. Shortly after we sat inside and then, after more than 24 hours and 25km, it was dark around me.

At the airport I awoke. Everything went rather quickly, we boarded one of the first machines to start in London. The current cloud-free night in Britain provided a fitting backdrop to the last hours in thought Rev
ue to let happen. It was wonderful, despite or because of the hardships and lessons learned at the end. If everything would run totally smooth, it would be too stupid, right? I gladly would have taken only one cache found. But you can not have everything, right?

So we in Germany after the second gathering of the sun
naufgangs within one day pushed through the clouds waiting for us a picture full of disasters. Water wherever you look. Most frozen. Flow curves were practically invisible, fields became lakes. No question, we were back in the cold, flooded homes. How different 10 ° C but can appear. A world of difference between island and mainland.

Back in Moabit was first started just preparation for market of China kebab shop. Thus, a baguette does not really last long. Was good to sit in the just awakening and yet familiar streets and finally come to rest. With breakfast noodles China in the stomach. We talked for another we
king with the kebab man who donated us black tea, no EarlGrey, but also delicious. Whether I would like London? Yes totally. Whether I would want to live there? Decisive No! A city without food or subway at night and constantly present and very shrill siren setting is not for me. And the absence of awareness of waste, dogs and dog shit, and j ny graffiti and posters were London somehow seem sterile. There may be other places, but I know not met. But for a medium-long stay I would have to visit just about the entire theater once . But then let's get back to Berlin with his quiet Spätis and breakfast kebabs. :)

Listening To:
Metallica - Master Of Puppets


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