Tuesday, January 11, 2011

World's Sharpest Chef Knife

film music in the province

weekend I am sometimes been described briefly in Cottbus. Yes, it was birthday, but I would also be driven otherwise. Saturday was the glorious State Theatre namely "John-Williams-spectacle". For this I had forced my family for months. John Williams concert was announced, it was a must for me.

John Williams? That's Knut, who wrote the whole bek annt film music, who knows her way: Star Wars, ET, Indiana Jones, Superman, Schindler's List, Harry Potter, Jurassic Park, Jaws , Catch Me If You Can, Saving Private Ryan, ... Yes, and so the music should be played. From the beginning of my film music passion on I was obsessed with his music, so to speak, he was to blame for this passion. Well, its sounds and should now bring the splendor of the theater capital of the province to earthquakes. So bagged 1-2-Zack's girlfriend, from the parents, they bagged up and down on the best places between the high society from Cottbus * cough *.

I bet on it, which was angef
lengths. I won. What else? 6 films begin Sun His first Os car he earned with the melody. " Star Wars Main Theme " shook the R ength. Original and so authentic competition, it was a delight.
The entire concert was entirely devoted to the theme of "theme". The conductor, his Ze
ichens neighbor of my parents, Americans with the eternal will to be able to make this concert, but only come to Cottbus to need, it was to see - yes, it was hard to look away - how much fun and joy he had to show the public what were leitmotifs. 80% of the songs were from Star Wars or Harry Potter. That sounds boring. But he made it through the different melodies of these epics just that feeling of Woah! to produce in the audience, which showed he. John Williams was the first to built the leitmotif in the movie: One character, its own melody. And so he created a variety of pieces for a single film that would last for 5 concerts. That's what the conductor near the Evan Christian audience wanted to bring r. He has done it.
were then only see happy faces. In many places, could be heard whispering things like, "I knew from only these typical music
Harry Potter. Incredible that there is so much more. "A smile flitted over my face. And again the world is a bit richer in John Williams-lovers.

och a W place as conductor. As Descr seven chronological, fell it incredibly difficult to look at the man over. He was not particularly tall, he was extremely agile. He had a fun to do this job, it was not to be overlooked. actual knew ch ic h previously only as al te, solid and rigid conductors. This young man was the complete opposite. Man Imagine a cartoon movie - because Disney had some very funny conductors. Just as he was. Gesticulating wildly, so far across the desk leaning, it was a wonder he has not fallen to the violinist. Leakage and swinging while the fat grin never forget eating. Just great.

And what were now the other 20%? Well, the usual suspects: Jaws, Superman, Indy Jones, ET, and one of his four Olympic ceremony pieces. would

Next year, dear Mr. Christian, I like a jack-room extravaganza that was all right?


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