Friday, January 28, 2011

Steven Raichlen Grill Bread

Auckland, Hong Kong, Erkner

will miss him, of Auckland Skytower ...

This last blog entry is to trace our journey home, which consisted of six slim flights. Within less than a week we were able to adopt both due to Auckland, as well as the commercial metropolis of Hong Kong to explore. And, of course were again our loyal blogger who is too Fotoapparillo and the notepad.

very un-Christian times, we leave to Cairns to go to Sydney to Auckland. Unchristian then are the steep prices, of the Cairns airport has in store for us. A trolley for the luggage only costs $ 3 rental fee. We can skillfully lie to the left and buck our bags for check-in. Our excess baggage given us unbeatable $ 160 fine (with our laptop and Jenny's purse will be included in the bill - a scandal for me Well folks! "! Avoid Jetstar" - saves you the stress ...). Accordingly, we climb the wild red head and cursing the plane. Toll, a departure, we have probably introduced more harmonious ...
stay in Sydney runs a little in the length, but sweetened by free Internet. In Auckland we are Finally, at 1:30 at night to clock. We resolve to combat the jet lag in the coming days look more active and a live game of the Australian Basketball League, before we drop dead tired in the springs and blissful sleep.
street art ... this has me really excited!

After sufficient sleep and a frightened maid but we went out once to fresh air in order to properly say goodbye to Auckland. As might be expected, it rained continuously. Although it was not cold but not so pleasant! Little Round led us to our favorite food court, where once delicious Chinese and Japanese was eaten. Further, it walked up Queen Street in the direction of the local bank, because Basti New Zealand student account would be resolved. On the way I had to hold very hard at Basti's strong arms and ran as on eggs, because my flip-flops in combination with Auckland's streets and the rain was like an icy slide. But fortunately it cleared up on, the sun was even looking times. We continued our walk towards the university, where the rain started again, then it went past our old home and we looked wistfully at the 11th Stock! A great time we had there ... but Today was no time for sentimentality and emotional outbursts, because it was raining now very uncomfortable. Our round took us to our old department store, later passing several souvenir shops and back to the hotel. So we could one day again almost all of our stations scour nearly five-month stay in Auckland.
The next two days were more or less filled with last shopping: we probably have every gift shop two visits to all present for to get home, we ate the last time Butter Chicken in the university and one last time the nighttime skyline of Auckland admired.
Thursday 5:00 the alarm rang again inhuman, 5:30 came the taxi and at 8:00 we were sitting on the plane to Hong Kong, excess baggage fees this time without the hassle of discussions at the check-in desk and expensive.
... finally in Hong Kong ...

Hong Kong
We come to Hong Kong in the evening, we grab the suitcases, put us in the airport express and rush to Hong Kong Station, a hub of the city. There is already waiting Marcus, who in the coming days as the unique blend of innkeeper, guide will shine and animator. Invite as a part of the extremely chaotic traffic and on the other hand, the exorbitant parking rates not just to drive their own cars (Marcus is so autolos ...), we climb to the first but not last time one of the taxes. This is mostly controlled by risk-loving, fast-seeking full-patients. A circumstance which conjures us here and there a few gray hairs on his head and terror under the armpits. Well, we are least well at Marcus' to stall, kick off your bags, grab a few barley-containing soft drinks and eat typical Chinese - per order at McDonalds (This one question: Why are not these delivery service in the old World?). Maybe it's the Big Macs in the belly, perhaps Alhohoool in the blood stream or just the 24-hour day, but somehow his eyes strum with fatigue. The bed calls and we obey ...
The next morning, the sun smiles on us in the face. The weather compels you to explore the city, preferably running way. So the direction of street markets and from there to the ferry terminal to Lamma-Iceland. As Marcus' slug is quite centrally located, need few steps to reach all the strange smells and food and the hustle and bustle of a Chinese market. Here and there ne half goat carcasses hanging in the bright sunlight around (her head is still intact; the frightened expression can be tough to close habits in the methods of slaughter). In addition, we find, especially on spring critters hook as well as vegetables and fruits in all shapes and colors.
... uff'n market

Since we still have nothing in the stomach, we are moving in the direction of a feeding street, is where gefuttert tasty Thai. The Ferry Terminal is once again driven by taxi. This form of transportation can be a while here and there inside "sky sacrament" call, but is extremely cheap. In this country we are in similar lines the same Money for a public transport ticket from. The trip to the upstream Lamma-Iceland is really fast, but leads us into a completely different world. The bustle of the city is gone, the many dropouts living here is "laissez-faire" in big letters written on his forehead. Along narrow streets, which seem to often lead to cross through the property of the residents we work ourselves into an idyllic beach. Idyllic, if you take the three chimneys of the ignored next to the beach nearby power station. But the water is warm determined, and the three-eyed fish can swim backwards ...
site Idyll on Lamma Iceland

We trek over a surprisingly well-developed road towards "Sok Kwu Wan", meaning "place where the ferry leaves the three Europeans. There, Jenny and Marcus nibble a little seafood, while one of my busy peanuts to eat with chopsticks - a grueling work
Jenny and Marcus' food ....

Away from the many restaurants The town is dominated by a colony of fishermen in the harbor basin. The life and work virtually in a small boat or floating metal housing. Where most time of their wastewater? Strengthened and full of energy (snoring, jet lag) is the ferry back to Hong Kong Iceland climbed. Meanwhile, the Sun is in retreat and the guide still has a trick up its sleeve that has something to do with "Skyline" and "Outlook". So so ...
Beautiful sunset on Lamma Iceland

While we were still on the ferry back to Hong Kong Iceland could marvel at one of the most beautiful sunsets of our trip and Basti ecstatic with the Photoapparillo almost escalated, Marcus thought a step further and took us to the peak. The peak was a good mix of tourist-shopping area and viewing platform. To get there, we had to once again be high and the fear of death drove a taxi stand. But it was worth it: the views of Hong Kong at night is unique. Although got Basti and I forget that night ever in a foretaste of things cold, but the colorful lights of the skyline, we let the icy wind.
view from "The Peak" to make the city ... all the "Oh" ...

gave the evening the three of us for the first barbecue of the new year. The procurement of ingredients was found to be more difficult than expected, because we were quite late and Marcus favorite meat shop had no beauty more available. We thought that it would now end up paw pigs, goats heads and cats on the grill. But far from it. In the mini-supermarket, there were even pieces of filet and our evening was saved. However, set out with the full stomach, the fatigue wide and I had my part, I have the red blanket rolled up and would fall asleep on the spot. My project was unfortunately stopped by the guys who wanted to play Sing Star. Well I did not tell me twice, and with the corresponding crystal-clear drink in the glass, we sang three in competition. Strangely enough, the boys cut off a lot better than me (well, no wonder I was in the school choir also always in the back so no one can hear me).
The next morning was already waiting for us, we had an appointment with a boat ride. Friends of Marcus had rented a Junte and that we should sail the next eight hours to Hong Kong around Iceland. Fortunately we had before departure or with food and Beverages stocked up, because once on the boat there was nothing more than a small toilet, music and good humor.
nonsense auf'm boat ...

the late afternoon we also had luck and the sun set through the thick paste made by clouds. So it was that we experienced our second beautiful sunset on a boat to the entrance to Hong Kong!
... such a joy
... again a jump photo

Basti and I then adopted by the Group and of Marcus, screamed our suitcases for us and so we plunged bravely alone in the evening traffic. But we knew the city well, yes even as our hand.
... auf'm way home saw: the double-decker tram.

Again, the alarm clock rang at 5:00, 5:30 Marcus we said goodbye and see you soon and thanks for the hospitality and at 8:00 we sat again for aircraft, this time really after in the direction of home. We were extremely lucky, because we were alone there are four in number for us. So I could make pretty long at over three seats, while Basti settle for a seat there.

landed around 19 clock our last flyer Berlin and received us as it now is; cold and bureaucratic, as the passport control took place almost outside. For the reception afterwards was even warmer. Our families and some friends waited for hours determined longingly at the airport and we did not want to let go of their embrace. And yes, there are tears of joy flowed as from the torrents!

fact that the greeting is not "only" on an interpersonal level but also at culinary fashion went from Amsterdam of course I liked very much. From burgers to grilled meats and dips to a run-all was called up, which can drop a tooth. So it is hardly surprising that deep into the night to nibble, talk and celebrating. Thank you for that warm welcome party!
Ciao, it was nice to you!

A Another big thank you goes out to you, the readers of the blog. We hope you brought by one or other story and accompanying photos of our great time at the other end of the world a little closer to have. And we thank you for the letters, the many emails and phone calls from the old country to New Zealand and Australia, have always held on the date! Exactly! We remain with best regards,

Jenny and Basti


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